Join us for worship!
Sundays at 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM

At Christ, you will find a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
If you want to know a little more about Christ,
visit our Who We Are and What We Believe pages.

Lent midweek

Join us on Wednesdays in Lent
(March 5 through April 9).

5:15 PM - Bible Classes
6:00 PM - Lent Meal
7:00 PM - Worship Service

(Please note that times are different
from our regular Midweek schedule.)

Bible reading Challenge

Join us for 40 days as we read
40 stories of Jesus.
This challenge is for all ages.

Lent Devotions

Pick up your FREE Lent devotions
in the back of the sanctuary,
courtesy of Lutheran Hour Ministries.
They are available in both regular and large print, or you can download for e-reader using the link below.

VBS (June 9-13)

Join us for Vacation Bible School
this summer at Christ!
Registration is open!

Schaefer Scholarship

Scholarship applications for
LCMS summer camps are now open.
Donations to the scholarship fund
are gratefully accepted year-round.

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worship services

Sunday worship services live stream on Facebook and our website
at 8:00 AM, and recordings are posted after the live stream concludes.

online giving

We offer online giving
through Vanco.

Click the link below for more information on giving.


Location and Contact

Christ Lutheran Church

3509 SW Burlingame Rd

Topeka, KS 66611
