The church council reviewed the results of the church survey taken last year, and would like to learn more about your view of our church, so we are going to host focus groups around a general theme of "Christ Lutheran Church in 2030.” (Survey results are available for you to read in the binders in our coffee lobby/entry way areas, if you would like to see them prior to your focus group meeting.)
We are planning to host five sessions in April. Three will be on Wednesday evenings (April 10th, April 17th, and April 24th), with a Friday evening session on April 19th, and a Saturday morning session on April 20th.
Everyone is invited, but you will need to sign up for the session you want to attend because group sizes will be limited at each session. Please use the online sign-up link on our website ( or visit the page directly ( If all available dates fill up, we will add more sessions.
Questions about signing up? Please contact the church office. Questions about the focus groups? Please contact Scott Van Genderen (785-608-6157 or (