
Our mission is to share the love of Christ in all that we do!

We are proud to support missions in our own congregation, throughout the city of Topeka and the state of Kansas, across the country and around the world.
We encourage you to read about these organizations below, and learn how you can help.

Please keep these missions and missionaries in your prayers,
and consider a gift of your time by volunteering or a financial gift through your offerings.

Together in mIssion:
LCMS Missionary Chelsea Irwin

Chelsea Irwin serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in the Eurasia region as missionary coordinator for volunteer opportunities. Based out of Český Těšín, Czech Republic, she works with LCMS missionaries and local church partners to place and send volunteers to serve in Eurasia. These individuals or groups engage in projects such as English Bible Camps, theological education and mission education, to name a few. Chelsea seeks to challenge volunteers to live out the Great Commission by viewing each day as a mission trip. She encourages them to support and stay connected to the Eurasia region, as well as serving in their own churches and communities.

Pray for Chelsea as she serves in Eurasia. Ask God to provide opportunities for Chelsea to build relationships with local church partners and future volunteers. Pray that, working together, they can effectively share the Gospel with the people they serve. Give thanks to God for the faithful service of volunteers who support the Synod’s mission efforts in Eurasia. Pray that God would guide those who are prayerfully considering being a volunteer. Let us give thanks to God that Chelsea is serving His people in this part of the world.

Please keep Chelsea Irwin and missionaries around the world in your prayers.

To offer financial support to Chelsea and Together in Mission,
christlcms.org/giving (“Together in Mission” fund) or lcms.org/irwin.


LCMS Kansas district
west africa partnership

For 28 years, LCMS Kansas District congregations have supported the growth of God’s kingdom in Guinea and West Africa. Through the 2023 Pentecost Offering and designated funds, a total of $50,000 was sent by the Kansas District in support of the West Africa partnership!

Construction began in April 2023 on the two main seminary buildings in Guinea, and progress continues. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the current group of students and supervisors remains in the existing church facility while construction is completed. Praise God for His provisions!

Other updates from Guinea and West Africa include repairs for the Saint Paul School near Guéckédou, Guinea, after suffering damage from violent storms in May 2023. LCMS Disaster Relief and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guinea (ELCG) provided repair work to the school. The Care of Souls Hospital & Prison Ministry continues to meet the material and financial needs of patients and prisoners by providing food, clothes, Bibles, mats, soap, and medical supplies.

 Please keep the students, pastors, families, missionaries,
and church planters in Guinea and West Africa in your prayers.

To offer financial assistance to the
LCMS Kansas District West Africa Partnership,
kslcms.org or christlcms.org/giving (“Kansas District LCMS”) 


Lutheran women’s missionary league

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 70 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Membership is available to any woman who is a communicant member of a congregation in the LCMS.


LWML meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 2 PM. We have either a Bible study or a speaker each month, a business meeting along with fun and fellowship. We would love to have you join us!


LWML Work Days are at 9 AM on the fourth Tuesday of the month, unless otherwise posted. We usually construct, tie, and sew edges of quilts (in addition to other tasks around the church are done such as sharpening pencils in the pews, cutting around donated stamps, replenishing children’s activity bags, or other things as needed). It is a productive and fun day and we invite others to join us, members or not!

Please keep the women of LWML in your prayers.

To offer financial support to our LWML chapter, visit christlcms.org/giving (“LWML” fund).
For more information or to donate to LWML as a national organization, visit


As Harvesters prepares to move to Lawrence, it is a good time to take a look at Doorstep. This organization describes itself as “Neighbors helping neighbors — Topeka’s home for hope.” Doorstep provides Topekans with short-term assistance, designed to help those recovering from sudden loss of employment or health-related issues. These solutions are designed to help our neighbors get back on their feet rather than cope with long-term needs. Doorstep offers assistance with food, clothing, rent, prescriptions, transportation, rent, and utilities. They are committed to extending a helping hand to friends and neighbors in their time of need.

Please keep Doorstep and the Topekans they assist in your prayers.

To offer financial assistance to Doorstep,
christlcms.org/giving (“Local Missions” fund) or doorsteptopeka.org.


Lifeline Women’s Resource center

Lifeline Women’s Resource Center (formerly known as Lifeline Pregnancy Center) serves women and families in Northeast Kansas during and after pregnancy. They are a non-profit organization supported by the local community. There is no charge for their services; insurance is not required. Lifeline provides free pregnancy testing, free obstetric ultrasound, and free counseling for pregnancy options. Nationally, Lifeline Children’s Services’ vast ministry impact can be summed up in five central areas: adoption, education and counseling, foster care, global orphan care, and pregnancy counseling. Lifeline strives to bring gospel hope to vulnerable children and families.

Please keep Lifeline and the children (born and unborn) they serve in your prayers.

To offer financial support to Lifeline,
chrislcms.org/giving (“Local Missions” fund) or lifelinewrc.com.

Orphan Grain Train

Orphan Grain Train is a 501c3 Nonprofit Christian volunteer network that shares personal and material resources with needy people in America and around the world. Grain Train volunteers gather donations of clothing, medical supplies, food, Christian literature, and other aid to meet real needs. The Orphan Grain Train movement is a loving response to Jesus Christ’s example as a servant and His love for us.

Mission Statement: In loving response to Christ, the Servant, the Orphan Grain Train movement encourages and enables God's people to share personal and material resources in bringing Christ's name and character to needy people both far and near. Sometimes that character expresses itself as a word well spoken, sometimes as a bandage well applied, and sometimes as a child well fed.

Please keep Orphan Grain Train in your prayers.

To offer financial support to Orphan Grain Train,
ogt.org or donate through our LWML at christlcms.org/giving (“LWML” fund).