The 10th Annual Luke Savage Memorial Golf Tournament
This golf tournament has become such a fun and memorable event! This year all proceeds will go to the newly established The Luke Squad Foundation. The Foundation’s Mission Statement is: Provide faith-filled hope and encouragement for families with children with health concerns (travel, meals, and gifts for extended hospital stays or during Christmas) and to provide support for all children to live life to the fullest (developmental support needs).
The tournament will be held Saturday, June 8th, at Shawnee Country Club at 913 SE 29th. Registration will begin at 8 am with a shotgun start to follow at 9 am. This event will be a four-person scramble. Entry fee per person is $80.00 or $320.00 per team. A light breakfast along with a boxed lunch will be provided to all participants. Both raffle and various other prizes will be awarded. Hole Sponsorships will continue to be $100.00 and any raffle prizes or donations will be gladly accepted. To sign up, contact The Luke Squad Foundation at or contact Kim Savage at 785-640-0092.
Please come join us and “Play With All Your Heart” in memory of Luke and to help raise funds for children/families experiencing health issues and hardships!!